• ademco vista 250fbp programming manual

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    ademco vista 250fbp programming manual

    W hen y ou are finished, the next partiti on-specif ic fie ld is autom atically disp layed. Partitio n-specif ic f ields ca n have d iff erent values for ea ch partit ion. Refer to Devi ce Prog ramming in this guid e to ass ign ke ypad ID num bers and default partiti ons for each ke ypad, and to sel ectivel y suppress certain k e ypad sounding o ptions. Refer to Output Pr ogrammi ng in this guid e to program des ired out put oper ation. 8. Program Communic ation options. Exiting b y using ? 99 alwa ys allo ws reentr y into progr am ming m ode using t he Ins taller code. E ither way of exiting a llows ac cess v ia do wnloading. N ote t hat if lo cal progr am ming loc kout is set via d ownloadi ng, programm ing m ode cannot be entere d at the k eypad. Must be minimum 16 minutes f or Commercia l Burg lary in stalla tions. Enter 0 to enable J2 Pin 5 as fire alarm trigger. NOTE: If using a keyfob, when the button is pressed, either for arming or di sarming, the bell w ill din g indica ting that th e but ton is wor king.It does not apply to Fire or Panic zone types. Any zone that was automatically b ypassed by the system will be unbypassed upon disarming of the system (e.g., STAY mode, Au to-S TAY, et c.). Vent zones and zones bypass ed by a programmed Auto- Bypass schedul e (Timed Driven Event) are considered “manual bypasses” and will not be unbypassed upon disarmi ng the syst em. NOTE: Field 1 ? 52 must be enabled to s end a Cancel report to the c entral st ation. FIELDS 1 ? 22-1 ? 25: Allow four sets of two zones each to be linked so that both must fault within a 5-minute period to cause an alarm. Otherwise enter 00 to use as panic.Produces quick beeping duri ng exit delay if enabled. NOT ES: Must be se t to “0” in par tition 1 fo r fire syste ms. Mus t be enabled “1” for SIA installations. User should press button again within 4 sec.A pplies to fire zone types 9, 16, 17, and 18 and system zones 970-977 and to partiti on 1 only.

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    Page Count: 72 Program feature or option Permitted in UL864. Enter 0000 for test reporting. Must be set to “0” (5 seconds). ? 44 RING DETECTION COUNT N Enter 00 to disable ring d etection. Enter 01-14 for ring counts of 1-14. Enter 15 to select Answering Machine Defeat Mode Must be set to “00” (disable). A ll other features are identica l. Feature VISTA-128FB P VISTA-250FBP Number of Zones 128 250 Number of Us er Codes 150 250 Event Log Capac ity 512 1000 The purpo se of thi s docu ment is t o prov ide a qui ck and easy w ay to progra m your entir e syste m. A reco mmende d programming procedure is incl uded, follow ed by a li st of pro gram fields w ith the c orresponding program gr oup they be long t o (system-w ide, partitio n-specifi c, schedul ing, etc.). T wo program for ms are included. O ne contain s all th e programmin g fields, and the other contain s the partitio n-specifi c fields. If you are setti ng up a single- partition sy stem, the partitio n-spec ific fields become syste m-wide field s. Following th e program for ms are syste m layout w orksheets. W e recomme nd that you us e these she ets to plan y our system before program ming is performed. Foll ow the st eps outl ined i n RECOM MENDED PROGRAMM ING PROCEDURE of this d ocument for proper programming procedure.T hese op tions af fect the entir e system, regardl ess of partitio ns. T hey inclu de contr ol opti ons, downloa der and dialer options, RF options, event logg ing options, etc. Ref er to the Progr am Fie ld Index for a listing of the pro gram fields and the ir function. Note that field 2 ? 00 (number of par titions) must be programmed before continuing. 4. Pro gram pa rtition -specifi c fields. W hen the system -wide fie lds hav e been program med, pr ogram all part ition- specif ic progr amm ing fields b y first pr essing ? 91 to selec t a part ition ( while sti ll in data f ield program m ode). Then ent er the firs t partitio n- specif ic f ield num ber ? 09.

    NOT ES: 0 (None) cannot be selected for respons e types 4 and 10. Enter 0 to disable. NOT ES: All zones enabled for auto-stay except types 3 and 5 have exit delay time when the partiti on is armed.The report code consist s of 2 hexadecimal digits, each in turn consisting of 2 numerical digits. If you are programming hardwired or DIP s witch polling loop devices, the summary dis play appears after comple ting this entry. NOTE: After programming, refer to t he Install ation and Set up Guide test s ection for testing of the RF devices. Enter 1 for devices that monitor maintenance signals (ex. 5193SD, 5193SDT) or can be used to limit fault signals in the dis armed state (ex. If the zone has a tamper switch wired in the loop in addition to a sensor contact, enter the tamper option. Enter 1 if the tamper switch is normally closed (wired in series) with the EOL resistor. Enter 2 if the tamper switch is normally open (wired in parallel) with the EOL resistor. Enter 0 if a tamper switch is not being used in the loop. NOTE: For zone response ty pes 9 or 16 ( Fire), the tamper selection must be “0” none. Ente r the acce ss poi nt (01-15) to be controll ed by the input type. NOTE: For input ty pe 06, the selected address must be 00. For a button-type transmitt er, press and release the butt on, wait approximately 4 seconds, then press and release the butt on a second time. OR b. Manually enter the 7-digit serial number printed on a label on the transmitt er, using the Alpha keypad. You can edit the loop num ber, if necess ary. Enter the loop number (refer t o 5800 Series Transmitters Loop Designations below). To D elete an Ex istin g Ser ial Nu mber, enter “ 0 “ in the loop nu mber field.The system enters a confirmation m ode so that the operation of the actual programmed input can be confirmed. Activate the loop input or button that corresponds to this zone.

    NOTE: If using a keyfob, when the button is pressed, either for arming or di sarming, the bell w ill din g indica ting that th e but ton is wor king. Otherwise enter 00 to use as panic.NOTE: If using a keyfob, when the button is pressed, either for ar ming or disar ming, the be ll w ill ding in dica ting that the button is working.Press 0 (N O) or 1 (YES) in re sponse t o the displ ayed men u selection. Pr essing 0 will d ispl ay the nex t choice in sequen ce. NOTE: All references in thi s manu al for numb er of zone s, number of user code s, number of access car ds, and the event log capacity, use the VISTA-250FBP’s features. NOTE: Be aware some of the zone attributes cannot be programm ed in the Expert Mode. These can o nly be done in Zone Programming.The following screens appear. If “Yes,” Confirmation prompts will be displayed after the device’s Serial and Loop numbers have been entered later. Some devices c an support more than one zone by means of indivi dual loops (for example 5817CB, etc.). If the zone is not programmed, the display appears as s hown here.Enter 1 to enable arming of the partition with this zone faulted. Enter 1 to enable t he system t o automatical ly bypass the zone if it is faulted at the end of the exit delay. If you enter 0 to disable and the zone is faulted at the end of exit delay, the system eit her performs the ex it error logic, if fi eld 1 ? 20 is enabled, or an alarm occurs. Enter 1 to e nable the arming of the partition with this zone faulted (f orce arm). The zone is automatically bypassed. NOTE: The zone may be unbypassed simpl y by restoring the zone (e. g., closing the window), if the Vent Re-arm opti on (nex t prom pt) for the zone is enabled. Enter 1 to enable the sys tem to automatical ly unbypass the zone when it is restored (e.g., by closi ng the window ). Enter 0 to disable. The zone is bypassed for the duration of the armed period regardless of t he zone status.

    ” pro mpt. The system enters a confirmation mode so that the operation of the actual programmed input can be confirm ed. If the loop number does not match, it also is displayed. Activat e the button on the wireless key again after re-entering the serial number. Zn ZT P RC In L 011 00 1 10 00 1 If the serial number transmitted matches the ser ial number entered, the system beeps 3 times and advances to th e summary display for the next zone's programmi ng. After all the zones have been programm ed, enter 000 for the zone number to quit. After y ou have enrolled eac h wireless dev ice, remov e ONE of the serial n umber labe ls from that dev ice and affix it in the appropriate colum n on the worksheets provided later in this Programmin g Guide; then enter the other inform ation (zone number, zon e ty pe, etc.) relevant to that d evice. Reports and the cat egorie s in which they are found ar e as fol lows: AL ARM CO DES RESTR, SUPV. M ain menu o ptions are highlighted in bold text. When all zone Alarm Codes have been programmed, ent er 000 to Quit. If you wish to enter other syst em report codes, enter 0 (N).The second digit (for two-digit report ing formats) is automatical ly the ID (second) digit of the Alarm Report Code for each zone (if programmed). W hen you are finished entering Restore and Supervis ory Codes for all zone groups, enter 000. If you wish to enter other syst em report codes, enter 0 (N). CLOSE 1st 00 2nd 00 Enter the first di git of the Closing (Arm-AWAY) report. If the user number is desired as the second digit, enter 01 (not necessary for Contact ID or High Speed formats).STAY 1st 00 2nd 00 Enter the first di git of the Arm-STAY report. If the user number is desired as the second digit, enter 01 (not necessary f or Contact ID or High Speed formats). EARLY OPEN 1st 00 2nd 00 Enter the first di git of the Early Opening Report Code. If the user number is desired as the second digit, enter 01 (not necessary f or Contact ID or High Speed for mats).

    Entd A022-4063 1 Rcvd A022-4064 If the serial number transmitted does not match the ser ial number entered, a display similar to the one at the left appears. If the loop number does not match, it is also displayed. If so, activat e the loop input or button on the transmitter once again. Note that an “s” indicates that a transmitter’s serial num ber has been enrolled. When all zones have been programmed, ent er “000” to quit. After y ou have enrolled eac h wireless dev ice, remov e ONE of the serial n umber labe ls from that dev ice and affix it in the appropriate colum n on the worksheets provided later in this Programmin g Guide; then enter the other inform ation (zone number, zon e ty pe, etc.) relevant to that d evice. When you hav e finished programm ing all z ones, te st each u sing the sy stem's T est M ode. Do not u se the Transmitt er ID Sniffer M ode. The sy stem checks o nly for tran smission of one zone on a part icular transmitter, N OT the z ones as signed t o each addi tional loop, and also do es not verify pollin g loop ty pe zones. If you select “Yes,” Confirmation prompts w ill be displayed after the dev ice’s Serial and Loop numbers have been entered later. Zn ZT P RC In L 001 03 1 10 H W - A summary displ ay appears, showing zone 1’s current programmi ng or default values. Verify th is informati on is correct for t his zone.Must be set to “ 0”. Verify the attributes for this zone are correct. Otherwise the summary screen for the next zone displ ays. Enter the 7-digit s erial number, using one of the following methods: a. Transmit two open and close (or close and open) sequences. For a button-type transmitter, press and release the butt on, wait approximately 4 seconds, then press and release the butt on a second time. OR b. Manually enter the 7-digi t serial number printed on a label on the transmitter, using the alpha keypad. You can edit the loop number, if necessary.This prompt only appears if you answ ered “Yes ” at the “SET TO CONF IRM?

    If the se numbers are d ifferent, y ou w ill be bille d for tw o AlarmNet C ommunic ator accoun ts. En ter N if this is a private system and skip to Question 7. CS ID (11) Enter the primary c entral stat ion’s sys tem ID num ber 1-7F (w ill not b e displa yed for pr ivate syste m use rs). Must be Y for UL insta llati ons ( a batt ery must be insta lled). If you select ed N, the Co mmunicator sends panel -generated messages with th e panel Subscriber ID number. 2 ND CS ID (12) This must be progra mmed with a value, even if it is the same as the primary central station. The alarm panel has the option of sending a selected m essage to the second central station. Parameters can be changed during review. Enter N to end programming session. The options use d to star t and st op these dev ices are described b elow, follow ed by th e actual s creen prompts and availa ble entries. NOTE: If y ou are using outputs on th e polling l oop (e.g., 4101SN ) no more t han 20 of the poll ing loop outp uts may be programmed for the sam e STA RT or STOP condition. The letter( s) in parenth eses af ter ea ch function descri bed below, such as (A) after ACTIO N, are those that appear in the various su mmary d isplays of programme d data dur ing progr ammi ng. You may want t he device t o activate moment arily, to p ulse o n and off co ntinu ously, or to remain activ ated until some o ther event occur s to stop it. Do not program a stop p arameter as this may cause unpredictabl e results. T he following ST ART option s are av ailable: 1) EVENT (EV) is the condition ( alarm, fa ult, troub le) that mu st occ ur to a zone or group o f zones (zon e list) in order to activ ate the dev ice. T hese cond itions app ly only when a z one list i s used. ZONE LIST (ZL) is a group of z ones to w hich the “EVENT ” applies in or der to ac tivate a pa rticular device.

    If a system operation, such as “DISARMING ” or “ANY FIRE ALARM,” is to activ ate the dev ice, enter the appropr iate choic e under the “ZO NE TY PE” option. The following opti ons are available: 1).The actual module address and relay number on the module are programm ed in the last two prompts. If a zone list is being used to start this rel ay action, enter the zone list number, 1-15. If a zone list is not being used, enter 0. Enter the 3-digit zone number.PROM PT EXPL AN A TION 02 STOP: ZN LIST 00 If a zone list is being used to stop this relay act ion, enter the zone list number, 1-15. The restore of a zone on the zone list stops the relay. NOTE: If a 4204CF is being used, the stop action for a NAC must be programmed as zone type 62, Bell 2 Timeout. Only one relay of the 4204CF may be used for this function. En ter 0 for any parti tion. Ente r 1-8 for specifi c partition number. Enter 00 (no group) or 01-15 for a specific group number. Enter 1 if the end user w ill be restricted from accessing this relay group.For 4204CF outputs, ent er only module rel ay number 1 (Ou tput A) or relay number 3 ( Output B). These are the only two programmabl e relays on the 4204CF Module. If supervis ion of the 42 04CF R elay Output is desire d, enter a response type for tha t output' s correspo nding superv isory z one. When you have entered all zones, enter 000. Enter 0 if no changes are necessary. Enter the zone list number that you wish to vi ew. Pres s ? 99 to exit Program Mode. For nor mal system v oice annun ciation ( e.g., al arms, troubl es, sta tus), u se the highl ighted w ords in th e alph a vocabul ary list in the Alpha Program ming part of this g uide. Follow the instruct ions below. When you have programm ed all output devices, enter 00 to qu it. Enter ? 99 to exit Program Mode. Enter the day of the week (1-7). Quarter of Year JAN, APR, JUL, OCT 0 If you select ed 3 (quarterly), the Quarter of the Year prompt is displayed.

    Enter 0 to stay in Menu mode. In addition, u p to 60 installer-d efined w ords can be ad ded to those alr eady in me mory. Thu s, when an alarm or trouble oc curs in a zone, an appropri ate desc ription for the locati on of tha t zone w ill be displ ayed at the key pad. There are 6 submenu selectio ns that w ill be di splayed o ne at a ti me. The a lpha m enu selec tions ar e: ZONE DESCRIP. For entering z one descrip tors. DEFAULT SCREEN? For creating c ustom messa ge; display ed when system i s ready. CUSTOM W ORD? For creating c ustom w ords for use in des criptors. PART DESCRIP? For creating 4- charact er partition na mes. Zone Descriptors 1. Select ZONE DESCRIPTOR mode.To create a custom d isplay m essage, pr oceed as foll ows: 1. Select Default Scre en mode. The keypad a sks for th e partiti on number for this me ssage. Enter the par tition numb er. Enter 0 to quit or 1-8 for a new partition number. Custom Words Up to 60 in staller-defi ned word s can be added to th e built-i n vocabulary. A cursor now appears at th e beginning of the seco nd line. Press 1 to move back thr ough the l ist. The cur sor then mov es to t he right, in positi on for the nex t character. 4. Repeat step 3 t o create the desired c ustom word (or words). This retur ns you to th e “CUST OM W ORD?” dis play. The custom word (or str ing of w ords) is auto matically added to the built-in voc abulary at t he end o f the group of words beginning with the s ame let ter. Custom w ords are retriev ed as w ord numbers 2 55 to 31 4 for w ords 1 to 60, respe ctively, when usin g method 3a to enter alpha descr iptor s. When using method 3 b to enter alpha descr iptors, each w ord appears at th e end of the group of w ords that begin w ith the same letter a s it does. 6. Repeat steps 2 through 6 to create u p to a max imum of 60 custo m words (or word strings). 7. Exit Custom Word Mode by entering 00 at the “CUSTO M WORD” prompt. NOTE: The partition d escriptor s are li mited to 4 c haracter s (e.g.

    , W HSE for w arehouse). Alpha Keypad PROM PT EXPL AN A TION 01 CO NSOL E PART. 1 If you selected devic e type 01 (alpha keypad), this prompt appears. This is the primary partit ion for the device. This helps prevent unwanted sounds from disturbi ng users in other areas of the premises. Each keypad can give users with access to multiple partitions t he ability to arm and disarm those partitions from it.Output Relay Module PROM PT EXPL AN A TION 01 SU PER VISED C F? 0 If you selected devic e type 04 (relay modul e), this prompt appears. Enter 1 if the unit is a 4204CF. If not, enter 0. If you enter 1, only Relay 1 (Output A) and Relay 3 (Output B) on each module may be programmed for fun ction s. NOTE: For Commercial Fire installations, onl y one notification appliance modul e may be used, and only one notificat ion appliance output (A or B) may be used on that module. T o perfor m a normal key fun ction, sim ply press the desir ed key. T o perform a SHIFT key function, press SHI FT key, then press d esired f unction k ey. Will light READY LED. LED goes out once a key is pressed.If you ar e using a different communicator, refer to th e communicator’ s instruction s for the correct pr ompts. PROM PT EXPL AN A TION DEVI CE ADDRESS Enter the devic e address of the Communicator. This ID num ber will appear in the messages generated by the Communic ator. Messages generated by the panel and transmitted by the Comm unicator will contain the ID nu mber programmed into the panel. The Co mmunicator and the panel should have the same ID nu mber, if po ssib le. If a different 4- digit c ustomer account n umber i s used in t he Commu nicator that is progr ammed into the alar m control, t he Communi cator w ill transmit Commun icator-spec ific messages ( power-on re set, AC fail, etc.) using the Communi cator custo mer num ber, and alarm message s usin g the control panel’ s customer numb er.

    Month of Year (01-12) 01 If you select ed 4 (yearly), the Month of Year prompt is displayed. Enter the month (01-12). Day of Month (01-28) 01 If you selected 2 (monthly), the Day of t he Month prompt. Enter the day of the month (01-28). Time of D ay 12:00AM The Time of t he Day prompt is displayed. Enter the tim e of day for the check-in. Enter the hour of the day (01-12). Enter 0 to stay in m enu mode. Thi s will furth er simplify the progr amming pro cess. S ee page 2 of this manual for the table listing the differences between the VISTA -128FBP and the VISTA -250FBP control pane ls. All other features are identical.Zone Ty pe Report Code Zone Informatio n and Alpha Descr iptor (3 words max.) Zone No. Zone Ty pe Report Code Zone Informatio n and Alpha Descr iptor (3 words max.) 601 617 602 618 603 619 604 620 605 621 606 622 607 623 608 624 609 625 610 626 611 627 612 628 613 629 614 630 615 631 616 632 NOTE: Only the relays on 4204CF modules may be supervised. If supervision is programmed for other types of Output Devices, unpredictable re sults may occur. Fill i n the required d ata on the w orkshee t below and follow the procedu re show n earlier in t his Progra mming Guide as you enter the data during th e displ ays and p rompts th at appear in sequen ce. Up to 15 zon e lists m ay be creat ed NOTE: Record desired z one numb ers below. M o re or fewer box es than show n may be needed, as any li st may inc lude any or all of sy stem's zone numb ers. Zone List 1: S tarted or stop ped by zone numb ers (enter 000 to end entr ies). Zone List 2: Started or stop ped by z one numb ers (enter 000 to end entr ies). Zone List 3: Started or stop ped by z one numb ers (enter 000 to end entr ies). Zone List 4: Started or stop ped by z one numb ers (enter 000 to end entr ies). Zone List 6: Started or stop ped by z one numb ers (enter 000 to end entr ies). Zone List 7: Started or stop ped by z one numb ers (enter 000 to end entr ies).

    Zone List 8: Started or stop ped by z one numb ers (enter 000 to end entr ies). Zone List 9: S tarted or stop ped by zone numb ers (enter 000 to end entr ies). Zone List 10: Started or sto pped by z one numbers (enter 00 0 to end entrie s). Zone List 11: Started or sto pped by z one numbers (enter 00 0 to end entrie s). Zone List 12: Started or sto pped by z one numbers (enter 00 0 to end entrie s). Zone List 13: Started or sto pped by z one numbers (enter 00 0 to end entrie s). Zone List 14: Started or sto pped by z one numbers (enter 00 0 to end entrie s). Zone List 15: Started or sto pped by z one numbers (enter 00 0 to end entrie s). Pressi ng 0 w ill displ ay the nex t choi ce in sequ ence. Each partiti on can be programmed w ith an opening and closing window for each day of the week and holidays.The sy stem prov ides 20 ti me window s that ar e defin ed with s tart and stop times. Fill in the re quired data on t he worksheet below and follow the proc edure in the installa tion in structions as y ou enter the data during t he display s and pr ompts t hat appear in sequen ce. Time Window Number Start T ime (HH:MM) Stop Time (HH:MM) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 (Keep this w orksheet ha ndy, as y ou will be asked for a given time w indow nu mber later in this s ection). Because the t ime w indows are shared a mong al l partition s, it is important to mak e sure that changing a t ime w indow does not adver sely affec t desire d action s in oth er partitions. Part Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Hol Op Cl Op Cl Op Cl Op Cl Op Cl Op Cl Op Cl Op Cl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Fill in the require d data o n the w orksheet below and foll ow the pro cedur e in the installa tion in structions as y ou enter the data during t he display s and pr ompts t hat appear in sequen ce.

    Fill in t he required d ata on th e w orksheet below and follow the procedur e in the installat ion i nstructions as you ent er the d at a during the di splay s and promp ts that appear in seq uence. Sched Time Da y(s) A ction Action Activation Num. Window M T W T F S S H Desired Specifier Time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0 Limitation of A ccess Worksheet T he sys tem provide s up t o 8 Access S chedul es that can be pr ogrammed f or the syst em. T he system provide s a Temporary Schedu le for each partition. Fill in the re quired data o n the worksheet below and follow the procedure in t he inst allatio n instructio ns as you enter the data duri ng the d isplays a nd prompts that ap pear in sequ ence.ECP Bus: Max. Line Impedance: 50 Ohms Special Application Circuit. See instructions for required capacity. Float charging voltage: 13.7VDC. Battery normally need not be replaced for at least 3 yrs.Supervise using 2k EOLR. Use polarized sounding devices and backup batteries. BURG CKTS: Supervision not req'd. EOLRs not req'd. May use non polarized devices. 1.7A max. See note 1, see instructions for compatible devices.UL Listed local control (non-coded). UL Listed central station and remote station protected premises unit when used with 5140DLM back-up dialer module.Impedance See instructions for compatible devices and for max wire run length. Fire and Burglary devices on the polling loop must be isolated by use of a 4297 or VSI module. Refer to instructions for specific examples. - Maximum fire loop capacitance is 100 uf. Smoke Detector Control Unit Delay, Seconds Circuit (zone) Model Dela y, Seconds THE DELAY TIME MARKED ON THE INSTALLED DETECTOR(S) IS TO BE USED. 8 Seconds 8 Seconds 8 Seconds Zone 2 Aux Rela y Zone 1 BELL CIRCUIT SUPERVISION JUMPERS DO NOT CUT NOTE: J2 Voltage triggers can only be used with the 4146 keyswitch for fire applications. Trigger Wiring must be run in conduit within 20ft of the Control Panel.

    2k (NOTE 5) No more than one (1) wire per terminal may be connected. The total dela y (Control Unit plus Smoke Detectors) shall not e xceed 30 seconds. No other Smoke Detector shall be connected to these circuits unless appro v ed by the local authority having jurisdiction. SYSTEM OVERVIEW. 5 Using the ? READY Key.28RELAY. Pagina 5: Partitioned System System Overview. GeneralPagina 6: Zones System Overview (cont’d). ZonesPagina 7: Alarm System Overview (cont’d). Carbon Monoxide ProtectionDevice TimersSelf-Help FeatureGeneralPagina 11: FUNCTIONS OF THE KEYPAD Functions of the KeypadALPHA DISPLAY WINDOW: A 2-line, 4 MAX: Arms in manner similar toGeneral InformationGeneral InformationAuthority LevelsPagina 18: User Edit Mode Security Codes and Authority Levels (cont’d). General Rules on Authority Levels and Changes. Pagina 19: Temporary Users Security Codes and Authority Levels (cont’d). To Add a UserPagina 20: MULTI-ACCESS Security Codes and Authority Levels (cont’d)To Change a User's CodePagina 22: Delete a User Security Codes and Authority Levels (cont’d). To Delete a UserPagina 23: Off Accessing Other Partitions. To Access another PartitionPagina 24: Master Keypad Operation Accessing Other Partitions (cont’d)Pagina 25 Accessing Other Partitions (cont’d). The following is an example of what would be displayed for a fault conditionCommon Lobby OperationPagina 27: Lobby Accessing Other Partitions (cont’d). How User Codes Affect the Common LobbyUsing the ? READY KeyPagina 29: Zone Descriptors Displaying All Zone Descriptors. Using the ? READY KeyPagina 30: Bypassing Bypassing Protection Zones. Using the 6 BYPASS KeyPagina 31: Quick Bypass Bypassing Protection Zones (cont’d).

    Quick BypassGroup BypassPagina 33: Zone Bypassed Arming Perimeter OnlyUsing the 3 STAY keyPagina 34: Auto-STAY Arming Arming Perimeter OnlyAuto-STAY ArmingPagina 35: INSTANT mode Arming Perimeter OnlyUsing the 7 INSTANT KeyPagina 36: AWAY mode Arming All ProtectionUsing the 2 AWAY KeyPagina 37: MAXIMUM mode Arming all ProtectionUsing the 4 MAXIMUM KeyPagina 38: Quick Exit Quick ExitPagina 39: OFF Disarming and Silencing Alarms. Using the 1 OFF KeyPagina 40: STAY Using the Keyswitch. GeneralPagina 41: READY Chime Mode. Using the 9 KeyGeneral InformationUsing Panic KeysPagina 44: Executing Relay Control. General InformationGeneral InformationPagina 46: Time Window Using Schedules. Delaying the Closing TimeProgramming Temporary SchedulesPagina 48 Using Schedules (cont’d)Pagina 49: OUTPUT TIMER Programming Device Timers. General InformationPagina 50 Programming Device Timers (cont’d)Randomize Output Device TimesBypass Commands. Activation times 1 (Beginning), 2 (End), and 3 (During) are the only.General Information To Display The Event Log. The system has the ability to record 1. Enter. Pagina 56 Event Logging Procedures (continued)Pagina 57: Testing Your System Testing the System (To Be Conducted Weekly). Using the 5 TEST KeyPagina 58: fire alarm Fire Alarm SystemEvent Display LockPagina 60: Trouble Condition Trouble Conditions. Typical Trouble DisplaysEstablish and regularly practice a plan of escape in the event of fire. The following steps areTaking Care of Your SystemPagina 64: Routine Care Maintaining Your System (cont’d). Silencing Low Battery Warning Tones at the KeypadPagina 65: FUNCTIONS Quick Guide to Fire System FunctionsPagina 66: SYSTEM FUNCTIONS Quick Guide to Burglary System FunctionsPagina 69 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION STATEMENTS. The user shall not make any changes or modifications to the equipment unless authorized by. Pagina 70 “FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (FCC) Part 68 NOTICE. This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules.

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