• centurion defender rome manual

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    centurion defender rome manual

    About Centurion - Game Credits. Difficulty Levels - Adjust the difficulty level of your current game. Difficulty levels range from Galley Slave (EASY) to Emperor (HARD). You canQuit to Dos - Quit your current game. Be sure to save your current gameContinue Playing - Return to the game.As you climb in rank, you can commandRank Legions Fleets New PowersCenturion 2 0 -. Tribune 3 1 Command Cavalry, Legions, FLeets. Legatus 4 1 -. General 6 2 -. Praetor 8 2 -. Consul 10 3 Command Consular Armies. Proconsul 12 3 -. Caesar 12 3 -. Increasing Rank: In Rome, your reputation determines your success. YourAs your social status increases, you'll recieveAdding Provinces - Adding provinces (through conquest or negotiation)Adding provinces that are rich in rescources -. Aegyptus, Carthago, Macedonia, Parthia, or Gaul - brings more honors thanStrengthening Treaties - Your reputation as a trustworthy administrator alsoWinning Chariot Races - Backing the Right Horse makes you look good. WhenBuilding an Amphitheater - All levels of Roman society benefit from anHolding Gladiator Events - Lavish spectacles can increase your popularity,Maintaining Rome's Honor - It's your duty to uphold Rome's reputation as aRome's honor isPlundering a province also tarnishesLosing Social Status: Your reputation suffers whenever you lose a battle,Becoming Caesar: Conquering all the provinces in the world is not enough toMorale: In Roman Provinces, the morale of the inhabitants depends on howOf course, provinces that enjoy a good alliance with. Rome are more willing to give up talents and manpower - for example, yourThe honor of. Rome also affects the morale of every province.

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    This is the humble beginning of an empire that willAs an ambitious young officer, you duty is to defend Rome. Your hope is toIn it you'll find aIn this manual, 'select' means moving the arrow cursor to an item andSee selecting items on the. Command Summary Card for the action button on your computer.When the game begins you only control the province of Italia. TheSee Entering Provinces onRome Sweet Rome: You start at the rank of Officer. At this rank, you can'tAnd there's little you can do with the. Twenty talents in the treasury. The good news is that you can raise yourRuling Roman Provinces for details. Form Alliances: Winning Allies with the tongue is less constly thanWhen you first move your legion into aNegotiating Alliances for details on diplomacy and alliances. Civilize through Conquest: If the barbarians ignore your diplomats, theyWhen you go to war, youFight Marauding Scum: Rome has no lack of enemies. Barbarian tribes fromFrom the south, citiesSmash Enemy Fleets: Once you're high enough rank and you have enough moneymSea Battles. Race the famous Circus Maximus: With enough talents you can participate inWinning can earn you more talents and improve yourChariot Races. Spill Blood in teh Colosseum: As a juvenal put it, the masses earn for 2See Gladitorial Shows.While there is no single way to conquer the world, you may want to start byThe battle begins immediately, so you shouldWith the game paused, you can give orders toTry to use some of the tacticsA year will passEvery year check to see if you have gone up in rankAnd watch out forFor example, you can moveFleets can be movedTo go to the next turn, select End Turn from the. Map. Game Control Menu: From the game control menu you can load or save games,Save Game - Save you current progress in the game. You can save up to nineYou can't delete saved games, but you can save a game over an old one. Load Game - Load a previously saved game. Select the game you want toNew Game - Begin a New Game.

    If a province is not on the sea this option will appear red and cannot beWhen the box appears selectYou must be at least a TribuneTribute Policy: Select Tribute Policy to set a standard tribute level forThis option is only available in Italia. See tributes and trubute policy for details on exacting tributes. See Province List: Select See Province List to see the current status ofContinue: Return to MapAfter receiving a scout's report onTo respond to the leader, select a statement. There are six kinds ofAggressive, Ultimatum, Go To War. Only 3 responses are available at anyThe statements you choose affect your success at negotiating, but otherYour rank determines how serious a leaderFinally, the honor of Rome can also affect aYou can set a differentA tribute policy canThe exact number of talents you receive fromTribute Level - The more you demand, the more the province will have toIf your tribute level places to much of a strainAlways monitor the morale ofWealth - Some provinces are wealthier than others and you can pay more.Alliance - Rome's relationship with a province affects the number of talentsEven if youSome wander,Your luck can beLegions cannot be combined. Type Maximum Infantry Maximum CavalryCavalry Legion 4200 300. Consular Army 6000 600. Difficulty Levels: The difficulty level set under the Game Options menuAt the lowest difficultyWhile this gives you fewerHigher difficulty levels give you cohorts that are less resistant to directDifficulty Level Infantry Cohorts Cavalry CohortsCourage: A legion's courage is the general morale and bravery of theStrengthening a legion could raise or lower itsIf you add enough weak soldiers its overallSatus: A legion's status can be one of the following. Forming - the legion is still forming - you just raised or strengthened it. A forming legion can act on the next turn. Ready - The legion can still be strengthened or moved this turn. Note. Upgrading a legion doesn't affect its ready status.

    If Rome's honor isThe morale of the people canA rebellious morale may be theAlliances: The Romans used a sort of graded system of punishment and rewardRoman citizenship, which measured aIt was a highlyIn Centurion, anAn allianceManpower: Each province generates men that are obligated under Roman law toThe rate at wich manpower increases depends onCourage: The courage shown on a province screen is the general courage ofSoldiers in a province can have Fierce, Good. Weak, or Panicky courage. See Legion Specifications for details on theRaise Legion - Form a new Legion. Select raise legion, then select the typeYou cannot raise a legion without the necessaryIn addition, there are minimumStrengthen Legion - Recruit soldiers to strengthen a legion. If there isThe cost isFor example lets say 20% of yourTo strengthen the legionHowever, the number of soldiers youMove Legion - Move a legion. If there is more than one legion in aWhen the mapUpgrade Legion - Upgrade an infantry legion to a cavaltry legion, or aSee Legion Specifications for details onLegion List - List all the legions in the empire and their current statusContinue - Return to the main menu. Plunder: To plunder a province of all its wealth, select Plunder. When theWhile plundering is a good way to fill up your coffers, the people you justAnd once other countries witness Roman. Exploitation, they may be less willing to roll the welcome MATT when yourYou can only plunder a province once. Note: YouTribute: Each province must pay a tribute for the order and protection RomeSee tributes and tribute policy for details on exacting tributes. If youHold Games: Select Hold Games, then select with games you want to hold. inBuild Fleet: You can build a fleet in any province with access to a sea.

    Elephants: The Romans discovered that the sheer size and strangeness ofOnce a legionElephants are will armoured towards the frontElephant will behave erratically, often turning on its own troops in itsGenerals: A cohort's courage may drop when its general falls in battle. ifAt the same time take advantage of anyCenturion there are 3 types of ships that vary in speed, size, andTriremes Quinquereme Galleon. Speed: Fast Speed: Good Speed: Slow. Durability: Weak Durability: Good Durability: Strong. Size: 50 soldiers Size: 100 Soldiers Size: 200 Soldiers. Roman ships were operates by experienced saliors, but most of the fightingWhen you build a fleet, your ships are manned byYou need to place soldiers on your ships inTo man your ships, move aYour ships can carry cavalry units as well. CavalryFor example a fleet made up of sturdy galleonsEach type of ship has its advantages andFor example the triremes isA galleon on theThe size of the ship is also aIf no legion is aboard your fleet,See Naval Battle on the Command Summary Card for details on controlling yourCatapults and Arrows: The catapult only fires in a straight line from theThe soldiers on board your ship automatically launchIf all men on yourRamming: To ram, simply steer the ram on the prow of the ship into theBoarding: See Naval Battle on the Command Summary Card for details onYou can lower the boarding ramp any timeIf the rampFleeing: See Naval Battle on the Command Summary Card for more details onRaces were run between professional companiesBut while racing was anSelect a Chariot: You control the white team's chariot. The first thingSpeed - Light chariots are faster than heavier chariots. Durability - Running into opponents is a real danger. Heavy chariots canCost - The lighter the chariot, the cheaper. Betting Odds - The odds against you winning are higher if you're racing aSee Bet Below. Racing Styles: Be sure to note the racing style of your opponents.

    Moved - The legion has been moved to a neighboring province. It can't actSpeed: Slow Speed: Good Speed: Fast. Size: 1-500 soldiers Size: 20 elephants Size: 1-150Each general has leadershipVoice - The range of the general's control over his cohorts. Voice is theIt can rangeCharisma - As a leader, the general inspires his troops and increases theirIf a general falls in a battle,Sphere of Influenc - The general can only direct units within his sphere ofChoose a formation and Tactic: Once you've chosen to go to war you mustAt the prompts, select a formation and tacticPausing the battle: You can pause the battle in order to direct individualChecking unit status: Once the battle is paused you can check the unitThe unit status boxReviewing Orders: If you want to review the current orders for the wholeMelee: To order a unit to move and attack the nearest enemy, select a unitThis 'releases the Roman Legion' every unitNote: When you 'release a legion' the army will proceed to slaughter withYou can give ne orders to a unit in Melee,Retreat: To order a unit to retreat, select the unit and then selectIf you want ALL units to retreat, selectNote: If you are protecting a Roman Province from a marauding army and youBattle Outcome: When one of the armies is routed or destroyed, the battleGenerals are not counted amongFlanking is attacking a unit at oneWhenever possible, you want to move yourDoubling Up: When 2 cohorts are attacking, their combined strength is thrown. Routing: From a purely tactical standpoint, routing an enemy unit (makingOnce you rout an enemy unit youDefence Vs. Offense: Defense is easier than offense. Units that are setIf there isnt aCavalry: Because of their speed and power, cavalry cohorts are the mostA flank attack from a cavalry unit is deadly.

    - The OpenRetro Game Database team:). Originally released for MS-DOS in 1990, the game was later ported to the Amiga and the Sega Genesis in 1991. Centurion shares much of the concept and feel with Beck's earlier game Defender of the Crown (1987).By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. The role of the player is that of the titular centurion, and he is tasked with leading progressively larger armies into battle. His ultimate aim is to rise through the ranks of the Roman miltary system to take his place in the upper echelons as a Caesar (not to be confused with Julius Caesar, from whom the name derives, but an adopted title denoting the right of power or status of an heir-apparent. Don’t say that these reviews never teach you anything, even if I did consult Wikipedia in the process of writing it). OK, that’s enough padding, let’s take a look at the game itself. Graphically, it’s safe to say that Centurion is not a looker. The world map, the battle screens, the menus, all of them look like they were made five or six years earlier. Admittedly, it’s a port of an Amiga game to the Mega Drive, but even then it was originally made in 1990, so no more than a year prior. It could be a case of the team concentrating on the gameplay first and the graphics second, but it’s surprisingly difficult to discern which units are which. The isometric viewpoint does allow for the player to see everything that’s going on at a glance though. If they did concentrate on the gameplay, it’s not instantly obvious. I endured the total of three battles, once I figured out which buttons would allow me to instigate them, with a record of one win and two losses. And the win was definitely a fluke. The dust had yet to settle on that victory when an army from the region of Macedonia chose to invade Italy and pretty much wiped me out. I imagine I might have fared somewhat better if I’d had the time to study the instructions.

    And so, my time as a centurion has been both brief and bloody. I stated from the outset that this isn’t really my sort of title, and having played Centurion I can confirm my views on this have not changed. Historical strategy just doesn’t grip me in that way. It does look like it could have a lot more to it than meets the eye though, so if it’s your thing I would consider giving it a cursory glance. Just don’t expect to rule over Europe straight away. On Medium, smart voices and original ideas take center stage - with no ads in sight. Watch Make Medium yours Follow all the topics you care about, and we’ll deliver the best stories for you to your homepage and inbox. Explore Become a member Get unlimited access to the best stories on Medium — and support writers while you’re at it. Also, if you have any useful tips or tricks don't hesitate to share them with the others. Thanks! Review and download (if available) There is a little hint you may find amusing. Conquer all lands, but leave Egypt for the end. Then when you finally attack Egypt, you will talk with Cleopatra. Well dont go to battle, but make alliance with her. Then she will ask you to set the tax level for her people, and you set the lowest one. You will find yourself on a party with her as you are now masters of the world, and as you speak wisely, you will get Cleopatra in the bed ) Try it if you don't belive it.There is a little hint you may find amusing. You will find yourself on a party with her as you are now masters of the world, and as you speak wisely, you will get Cleopatra in the bed ) Try it if you don't belive it.For the charriot race I have no hint. I can't win it too. For the gladiators you have to earn some money, which you can earn by increasing taxes I think. Hope I can help c ya gdp2k No real need. Used: Very GoodAll pins are clean and shiny. The game has been tested and works great. The Case is in good Condition with light shelf wear. We only sell the BEST!!! All Items GUARANTEED!

    Aggressive opponents will race fast but are more likely to make mistakesPrepare for the Race: You can prepare for the race by getting money. IfSkulduggery - Select an option to bribe an opponent, hire a physician, orSelect Done. Bet - Select an option to increase or decrease the amount of your bet. TheSelect done to place your bet. The bettingNote: Every time you win, the odds go down - for example, if you're racingThe odds can never be less than 1-1. Every time youThe Odds cannot exceed 5-1. On the Track: See Racing Chariots on the Command summary card for detail onYou must circle the track 3 times to complete theWatch out for turns: It's difficult to make a sharp turn while going at aIf you're going to fast your chariot willNote, however, the inside ofJust as you wantThough gladitorial games started on aCompetitions that could be once stagedOne such spectale - celebrating Trajan's campaigns in Dacia - laster 117Select Gladiators: Select the gladitor you want to control and then selectNow select the galdiator you want toOnce you've chosen you combatantsIn the Arena: As you fight, the crowd's pleasure will rise and fall withThe more wild swinging and goodThe Spectators don't like to feelTo save a game:Type a name andYou control the game by selecting items such as menu options, provincesm orUse the mouse to point at an item and press theOn the map screen the right mouse buttonYou can enter provinces only from the map, Provinces belonging to yourMove the cursor to a legion and press thePoint to where you want to go andNote: Disembarking a Legion from a fleet is noPoint the cursor at the legion icon onPoint to the province you wantMoving Fleets: Move the cursor to a fleet and press the left mouse button. The ghost fleet icons indicate the bodies of water you can move into.

    PointDirecting Individual units: To give orders to units on the battle field youClick a mouse button or press a key to pauseOnce you'veNaval Battle: Once you've selected a flagship the splash screen appears. Click a mouse button to begin the battle. You can fight naval battles usingKeypad: 7 8 9To flee from the battle, move your flagship towards any edge of the screen. You will be asked whether you want to retreat or re-engage in battle. Or simply press R if you are sure you want to retreat. Chariot racing. The joystick button whips your horses when pressed forward at the same time,Gladiator Show:Made in Sweden by Kim Lemon 2004-2020. News Games Lemonade Forum Help Links Amiga Forever Sitemap Privacy Policy. The bulk of the game involved real-time battles (of a nature that can be argued to foreshadow later real-time tactics and real-time strategy games) against various enemies of the Roman Empire, including barbarians, Carthaginians and Parthians. We recommend you upgrade to a newer version of Internet Explorer or switch to a browser like Firefox or Chrome. You can help us by expanding it. Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. Antispam by CleanTalk. We recommend you upgrade to a newer version of Internet Explorer or switch to a browser like Firefox or Chrome. Scans are free to use under fair use. All copyright to this image is held by the companies who developed and published this game.Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. An action has triggered the service and blocked your request. Please try again in a few minutes. If the issue persist, please contact the site owner for further assistance. Docs (Processed): Files: If for example the game itself tell that it is shareware,The tag should look something like this:By submitting information, you disclaim copyrightThis is to ensureWorks which are copyrightable in themselves, such as images, game media andImages are used forPlease enjoy this site!

    Please try again.Please try again.In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading. Register a free business account Please try your search again later.Hear clashing swords and trumpeting elephants as you wage war in real-time battles that you control. Take on the world in this cinematic adventure to become the absolute ruler of Rome.Savings represents a discount off the List Price.To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. It also analyzes reviews to verify trustworthiness. Please try again later. Erica Paris 1.0 out of 5 stars And I'm too lazy to go to the trouble of sending it back. It's a real shame though, because this game was great.Along the way you will have to defend your empire from rival nations. As you advance in rank and are promoted, you gain more authority in Rome and can command more legions. You will need to command more legions to conduct more campaigns and to defend territories from attack. You will want to obtain cavalry as soon as possible to make warfare easier. You will also need a navy (triremes), but that comes later when you have more funds (talents). You can try to raise more funds by entering in the chariot races - not easy but when you get good at it, more money. Generals with weaker stats can be used to guard territories effectively. Something went wrong. View cart for details. The item may have some signs of cosmetic wear, but is fully operational and functions as intended. This item may be a floor model or store return that has been used. Exact item shown in photos below. Guaranteed to work or your money back. Ships from Sherbrooke, QC, CAN through Canada Post within 24 hours of your purchase no matter where you are in Canada. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

    Confront Hadrian, Hannibal, Cleopatra, and other historical figures as you forge alliances or engage in conquest. Combat takes place from an isometric perspective of the battlefield. You will guide your forces in battles on land and at sea, but before you engage the enemy, you must first decide on a single tactic and battle formation. Your opponent will do the same, which initiates the real-time fighting phase, where legions automatically battle each other. You can also issue offensive and defensive orders, which pauses the action, but soldiers may attempt to flee if the legion suffers too many casualties. Raise money for more troops and ships by increasing the tax rate of your acquired provinces, and keep the masses happy by hosting playable chariot races and gladiatorial battles. Sep 23, 2011 An excellent game that has stood the test of time!!! This game is by far the best game for the Sega Genesis. For a 20 year old game the battles provide an excellent array of available troop formations.Been Looking For This Game For A Long Time. Its A Classic. thought Provoking,Challenging AndVery Tough. Highly Recommended For Any LongerOf StrategyGames. A Game Ahead Of Its Time By Far. Cancel Thanks, we'll look into this. All Rights Reserved. User Agreement, Privacy, Cookies and AdChoice Norton Secured - powered by Verisign. You start with one province, Rome, and one legion. To complete the game, you have to conquer all the provinces on the map. One part of the game is micro-managing your provinces. You set up tax rates and make people happy by organizing games. In Rome, you can organize a chariot race, a gladiatorial combat or even a simulated naval battle; this starts an action mini-game where you control the chariot rider, gladiator or ship. - TheGamesDB Released Jan 01, 1991 Developer Bits of MagicConfront Hadrian, Hannibal, Cleopatra, and other historical figures as you forge alliances or engage in conquest.

    Raise money for more troops and ships by increasing the tax rate of your acquired provinces, and keep the masses happy by hosting playable chariot races and gladiatorial battles.All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Learn more - opens in a new window or tab This amount is subject to change until you make payment. For additional information, see the Global Shipping Programme terms and conditions - opens in a new window or tab This amount is subject to change until you make payment. If you reside in an EU member state besides UK, import VAT on this purchase is not recoverable. For additional information, see the Global Shipping Programme terms and conditions - opens in a new window or tab Learn More - opens in a new window or tab Learn More - opens in a new window or tab Learn More - opens in a new window or tab Learn More - opens in a new window or tab Learn More - opens in a new window or tab No damage to the jewel case or item The cover art and liner notes are included. The VHS or DVD box is included. The video game instructions and box are included. The teeth of the disk holder (in the DVD box) is undamaged. Minimal wear on the exterior of item. No skipping on the CD or DVD, when played. No fuzzy or snowy frames on VHS tape, when played. See the seller’s listing for full details and description of any imperfections. Confront Hadrian, Hannibal, Cleopatra, and other historical figures as you forge alliances or engage in conquest. Raise money for more troops and ships by increasing the tax rate of your acquired provinces, and keep the masses happy by hosting playable chariot races and gladiatorial battles. Contact the seller - opens in a new window or tab and request post to your location. Please enter a valid postcode. Please enter a number less than or equal to 1. You're covered by the eBay Money Back Guarantee if you receive an item that is not as described in the listing.

    Find out more about your rights as a buyer - opens in a new window or tab and exceptions - opens in a new window or tab. For a 20 year old game the battles provide an excellent array of available troop formations. Its A Classic. thought Provoking,Challenging AndVery Tough. A Game Ahead Of Its Time By Far. All Rights Reserved. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please click EDIT and add it.Was this guide helpful. The prices shown are the lowest prices available for Centurion Defender of Rome the last time we updated.We do not factor unsold items into our prices. Rome wasn't built in a day, but win enough chariot races, and you might be able to do it in a matter of weeks;) Two thumbs up! I tried to attack an enemy army that were riding elephants instead of horses.It will never show up cause there is no code that push the text to the screen. It was probably a joke of the developers. It doesn't makes any sense in-game, actually. Just google DosBOX. It's old and has some isues, but i've never found anything better. Never had to. It kept me enraptured for many nights. Even now it captures my attention. There are few games like it. I may try out some of the harder difficulty settings, since I always played as Galley Slave as a kid. I hhave had many happy hours playing this. Thanks My Abandonware!! If you have trouble toIf the manual is missing and you own the original manual, please contact us. Just one click to download at full speed. DOS Version Download 608 KB Developer: Bits of Magic Download 2 MB Developer: Bits of Magic Download 8 MB.

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